Tuesday, January 27, 2009

TT and Days of Grace

Today is Tribute Tuesday which means I get to pick someone or something that I feel deserves to be put on a pedestal and a big bright light shined on. After much deliberation I choose the Common Cold. Yes, me and this monster of a virus are very close. You see this unwanted germ has come to visit my two youngest and decided to set up shop and stay awhile. Oh the joys we have been having! The snot, the coughs, the restless nights, and don't forget the vomit. Oh yes, R is so congested that he actually threw up his lunch....ON. THE. TABLE. disgusting! (but I got off easy on that one, I cleaned HIM up and Hubby cleaned the table) So back to my tribute. I am not putting you on this pedestal to adore you or bring you fame....no, I am hoping that you are afraid of heights and hate the hot spot light. Then you can pack up your slimy, snotty bags and get the heck out of here!

Besides wiping snotty noses today, we also took the boys for haircuts. Then to surprise the boys I made dinner and served it on the Living Room floor like a picnic. We pretended we were camping and talked about all the fun stuff we did that day at the campground. It was so much fun. I can't wait to do it again soon.

This is our plates filled with picnic yummys....popcorn chicken, french fries, apple slices and a fig newton

Now for my Days of Grace list. Today I found Grace in....

- Talking with Hubby for 30 minutes about "nothing". Nothing about anything important, just a nice talk while cuddled up on the couch.

- A winter picnic!!

- Finding an old friend on Facebook that I havent talked to in 15 years!

- Volunteering to be a Twitter-er (or Tweeter??) for ExemplifyOnline.com

- Philippians 4:6 Don't worry about anything, Instead pray about everything, And thank Him for His answers.

Oh...one last thing.....check out At the Well. They are having a fabulous giveaway (that I want to win!!) so hurry over there and enter.

At the Well Blog Button


Rebecca Jo said...

How cute is your picnic! I'm sure the kids just loved doing something different...what a cool mom you are!

Jillene said...

Sorry that the kids are sick!! BOOOOOO to you cold!!

We have picnics all of the time around here. My kids LOVE it!! It helps break up the winter-time blues!! You are such a good mommy!! (0:

Deb said...

dang! you are such a good mommy! you do the sweetest things for your kids.

and listen, i am right there with you on the puke. ALWAYS volunteer to clean the kid and TAKE YOUR TIME wiping the sweaty brow and changing the clothes and overseeing the brushing of the teeth. that should be enough time for hubs to get the crime scene wiped clean.

Mimi said...

Love the picnic!

Deb said...

oh, and i meant to tell you how clever and funny your tribute was. A+!

Kristina P. said...

What a fun idea! Sorry about your icky cold.

Lana@The Kids Did WHAT?! said...

I love those types of dinners. We do ours in the kids' room. They say that the food "tastest better" in their room. Who knew!

Halftime Lessons said...

Aww Denise your blanket party looks like SO much fun for them...Im gonna have to completely steal that idea when my 2 year old son stops feeding the dog fistfulls of applesauce.

Great post!!


That Janie Girl said...

I didn't get invited to the picnic.

>>>Ssssssob! Waaaaah<<<

Okay. I'm better now!

Ash said...

I love picnics in the family room!!

Thanks for reminding me - I think today calls for it.

Anonymous said...

This brought back memories of when you and your brother were little. We used to do things like this and we would also build a tent and sit under the blankets and eat lunch. It was so much fun. Hope the boys get over the colds quick. Your tribute was great too.

Jen said...

I laughed at your spotlight! Totally funny. And here I thought you were going to spotlight me! Ha. I've got a cold too, so I'm feeling your pain! And what an awesome mom you are--a picnic inside the house! I love to see parents do such fun things like this. I think it creates GREAT memories! Love it.

About Me

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Im a Christian Stay at home mom...that means I am a professional multi-tasker and I give all the credit to Jesus. I am married to my best friend and have 3 wonderful sons. God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, nor sun without rain, But he did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears and light for the way.

More about Me....

Here are some posts that explain about my illnesses

Health Class 101

Things you need to know

Mornings and Why I don't mind being sick