Friday, January 16, 2009

Run away!

Shhhh.....don't tell hubby you saw me, OK?
I almost hate to admit this but I just waited for him to fall asleep then snuck out of the bedroom so I could come check my blog. I am SO embarrassed. But I just HAD to do it. I didn't get any computer time this afternoon or evening. I really don't think I could have fallen asleep if I didn't come down here.
Which brings me to my point of this post... If you are new to blogging or new to reading blogs. Stop right now and click on your homepage. Get as far away as you can from this and any other blogs. They will SUCK you down! Your housework wont get done, your kids will lose a playmate and you will end up like me (and all of my fellow bloggers...don't make me point fingers because we know your all in the same boat that I am) checking your blog after your significant other falls asleep. Seriously and don't look back.

Don't blame me. I tried to warn you.

......OK, are you still here?Good. and Thanks. I hate being alone. Now I am off to check my facebook and myspace.
Dont know you do it too!


Kristina P. said...

Denise, you crack me up! And I've been sitting in front of my blog all day, reading people's secrets. It's tiring! I feel so unproductive!

Young Momma said...

LOL!!!!! I'm cracking up! I'm so bad with my blog. It's the first thing I do in the morning. After my own lil routine and feeding the kids... of course. Then it's my blog for a few hours while the kids eat, watch a few shows and play in their room. Then I try to pull myself away because I feel like a horrible mother for letting the TV babysit my kids. lol!!! That was hilarious though. I love it!

Deb said...

if only someone had been kind enough to warn us, right? but i suppose it's too late for us...

so since you shared your (pathetic) secret, i'll share mine. i have my comments mailed to my phone so i can keep my phone by my bed, just in case i get some very important comments after i've gone to sleep. you never know! when i wake up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, i can just glance very quickly at my phone.

Unknown said...

Love this post!! and you are not alone! I get up in the middle of the night to check email and stuff too!

Jillene said...


Anonymous said...

Okay so now that you told your secret and how much all of you are addicted (including Deb who said I should start a blog too) maybe I should think about not getting addicted to the world of blogging. LOL By the way tell Amy I am happy for her getting rid of the last pice of her old life and on to enjoying the new furniture in her new place for her son and her to enjoy. The rest of your bloggers (You all need to go out one night together and get away from you computers and cell phones Deb so you can just sit and talk to each other, seriously). ROFLMAO

Dawn Parsons Smith said...

Hee hee hee...I so do that! My husband told me this morning (3:00am) that I seriously needed help when he busted me creeping out to the!

I LOVE your blog and am here to stay...hope you don't mind...I'll try to be quiet and stay out of the way...

and...Jesus rocks! He is my kinda guy..although he's probably really sick of me jabbering on all the time to him...blah blah this..blah blah that...oh well, he's Jesus and I know he's always there for me!


Mimi said...

OMG, I just started my 3rd blog last night. Obviously I needed to start one for my dog, right?

This is totally a sickness, I only wish someone would have warned me!

Ash said...

AHHHHHHHHHHHH - where were in August?!

Just this morning, I'm awake at 6, but Hubs is still asleep. I think, I plot, I pray as I slowly roll out of bed...could I manage to sneak out without him noticing?


Therefore it has taken me until almost 2:00 p.m. to get a post going.

About Me

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Im a Christian Stay at home mom...that means I am a professional multi-tasker and I give all the credit to Jesus. I am married to my best friend and have 3 wonderful sons. God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, nor sun without rain, But he did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears and light for the way.

More about Me....

Here are some posts that explain about my illnesses

Health Class 101

Things you need to know

Mornings and Why I don't mind being sick