Monday, November 10, 2008

I figured since I started my day with pictures that I would end it with pictures too. Here is what I made for dinner tonight....

Pork roast....yum!

Homemade mashed potatos with cream cheese!!!

Lima beans and corn picked fresh and frozen from the family garden

And White Chocolate Macadamia Nut Cookies for dessert!

After dinner we went to see Poppop at the hospital and he was THRILLED to see the boys. That cheered him up after a long, lonely day in the hospital.

So now my day is done. The boys are in bed and I am settled in on the couch waiting for "Jon and Kate plus 8" to come on....yes, that is one of my guilty pleasures. I hope you all have a great to you tomorrow!


Queenie Jeannie said...

YUMMMMMY!!! You big tease you!

I was so busy today cleaning my house, that come dinner time I just didn't feel like cooking. My poor family! Oh well, they survived!!

Bella IS adorable....except just before bedtime. Oh my gosh, temper tantrum supreme!!!

Anonymous said...

You have been added my bloggy friend! It will take me a few more days to get the State List updated, but your blog should be appearing in "The Congregation" list!

Happy Stalking!
-The Blog Stalker

Jillene said...

So I found you on Blog Stalkers Unite and I was inticed to your blog by that YUMMY looking Post roast! Mmmmmmm....and mashed potatoes with cream cheese. Holy Cow Batman!! I REALLY need to try that!! How much do you put in and what else do you put in?

Grea blog by the way!!

Deb said...

i assume this means i am invited for dinner? holy moly, i can't let my kids see this. they'll wonder what is wrong with their mom.

Queenie Jeannie said...

I hope you have a relaxing day today!

About Me

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Im a Christian Stay at home mom...that means I am a professional multi-tasker and I give all the credit to Jesus. I am married to my best friend and have 3 wonderful sons. God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, nor sun without rain, But he did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears and light for the way.

More about Me....

Here are some posts that explain about my illnesses

Health Class 101

Things you need to know

Mornings and Why I don't mind being sick