Hello Bloggy Friends. Today was great. I met alot of new bloggy buddies from the Ultimate Blog Party. Needless to say, I spend alot more time than usual on the computer too. Bad Denise! This afternoon was nice too. I got a nap with R and then we all went out to dinner before going grocery shopping. I also needed to pick up some prescriptions tonight and found out that there is a national narcotic shortage. Seriously. Crap. That means my friendly pharmacist handed me my Percocet script back and said "Sorry...cant help you with that one". Ugh. I did call around and find another pharmacy that still has the medicine. Thank God. So tomorrow morning I will be heading there to get it filled before someone else gets the pills. I hope this situation gets remedied soon....for me and all the other chronically ill people in the US. Tomorrow we are headed up to Philly to watch C's Robotics team compete. I don't think they did very well in competition today, so I am hoping tomorrow is better. Maybe we will bring them good luck.
Today I found Grace in....
-Hubby suggesting we go out to dinner so I wouldn't have to cook
-Finding a pharmacy that still has percocet
-the boys being super-good at the restaurant
-Staying WAY below budget at the grocery store
-Meeting lots of new bloggy friends!
Friday, March 20, 2009
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About Me

- Denise @ Sunflowers, Chocolate and Little Boys
- Im a Christian Stay at home mom...that means I am a professional multi-tasker and I give all the credit to Jesus. I am married to my best friend and have 3 wonderful sons. God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, nor sun without rain, But he did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears and light for the way.
More about Me....
Here are some posts that explain about my illnesses
Health Class 101
Things you need to know
Mornings and Why I don't mind being sick
Health Class 101
Things you need to know
Mornings and Why I don't mind being sick
Yea, we didn't do so hot. =/
Glad you had a good day. I didn't know there was a National Med's problem, but I know what I went through trying to fill my script. I called 1/2 dozen pharmacies and ended up getting mine at Walmart so race to the store before they run out this is just crazy.
Have fun tomorrow and I hope they win. Maybe hubby will stop on the way home so you won't have to cook again.
I love your "finding grace" moments. What a beautiful way to see Gods hand in your daily life!
Yippee for good days and new friends! I always love coming by because I am always reminded to find grace in my hectic day:) Thank you for that!
Yay for a good day!!! :) That sucks about the medication though!!! Who woulda thunk it?
Run on Percocet? The true sign of the times. Glad you could locate some!!
I totally missed the blogging blowout - Spring Break. Hope you at least scored one of those awesome prizes!!
(and may I tell you how impressed I am with your growing blog - love the design and the flow!! I need to do a little overhaulin on mine.)
I LOVE sunflowers! You have a great layout!
yes, that blog party looked like a real blast!
thank the lord you were able to find some percocet. you may want to start your search early next month!!!
good list. and good luck to c's team today!
I hadn't heard about the national narcotic shortage. Uh-oh, does that mean we're going to have a run on crazy people going crazy? Wait...what's percocet for again?
Hi Denise-
Coming by from The Ultimate Blog Party to say hi. Make certain to check out my place for your chance to win a LeapFrog Tag Reading System. :)
The Divine Miss Mommy
Aw, sorry bout the meds problem but God worked it all out! :) Sounds like you had lots of fun! I had a pretty great weekend myself so no problems here. lol :) hope you have a blessed week!!! happy posting~
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