Thursday, March 18, 2010

Things are looking Up

I have been on cloud nine all day. The sun was shining and it was warm. The boys have been playing outside until nearly bedtime. And most importantly Poppop is doing better. Out of the last 5 days, he has been alert and talkative for 3 of those days. Saturday he was completely aware of everything, no confusion, nothing. It was AWESOME. A true blessing from God. We talked for hours and even though he is still with me I feel like I have gotten some closure. He was Poppop. Not sick Poppop, not Alzheimer's Poppop but MY Poppop. We laughed and talked for hours. It is truly one of the best blessings I have ever gotten. Sunday he was very talkative but very confused. Today was the same way. But even when he is confused I still love to hear him talk. It has been such a long time since he has really TALKED. Mostly he listens and gives one or two word answers. I'm still amazed at the difference since he was in the hospital. I don't want to fool myself into thinking he is "better". He has cancer and many other medical problems. But just for the time being, none of those medical problems matter. I am enjoying every second I get with him. I left the nursing home today with a huge smile on my face, rolled down the window and sang loudly all the way home. That smile is still on my face. How can you not smile when the sun is shining, your family is happy and Poppop is having a great day!?!


Kristina P. said...

What a great day to remember!

Wendyburd1 said...

That is SO great!! I am glad it was such a magical day!

Denise said...

Praise God for giving you a smiley day. Prayers continue for poppop.

Mom said...

It is such a blessing and will help ypur dad as we head East.

Your dad said to tell you that he is so proud of you and he knows as much joy as you got out of PopPop he is sure that PopPop got as much joy out of you at the same time. The two of you are quite a team. We both love you and Praise God that you are back there to be with him in his time of need.

About Me

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Im a Christian Stay at home mom...that means I am a professional multi-tasker and I give all the credit to Jesus. I am married to my best friend and have 3 wonderful sons. God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, nor sun without rain, But he did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears and light for the way.

More about Me....

Here are some posts that explain about my illnesses

Health Class 101

Things you need to know

Mornings and Why I don't mind being sick