Sunday, November 22, 2009

If I have to listen to this all morning....SO DO YOU!



Unknown said...

No! NO! NO! Please NO! Don't make me! LMAO.

Annette W. said...

After about six months without cable and Meghan always asking to watch "Blue" I asked my husband if we could please get more videos...for my sake!

EmmaP said...

awww... funny. so is steve back or is this an old clip? cuz steve was around when my middle one loved blue, then steve went to "college" and joe came by the time my daughter loved blue. personally, I thought joe was much cuter and a better singer... yes... i admit... i had a mom-crush on Joe from Blue's Clues....gosh!

AiringMyLaundry said...


My daughter loves Blue's Clues.

Mom said...

Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo Please turn it off...... LOL

About Me

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Im a Christian Stay at home mom...that means I am a professional multi-tasker and I give all the credit to Jesus. I am married to my best friend and have 3 wonderful sons. God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, nor sun without rain, But he did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears and light for the way.

More about Me....

Here are some posts that explain about my illnesses

Health Class 101

Things you need to know

Mornings and Why I don't mind being sick