Thursday, September 24, 2009


R is sick. Fever and earache sick. He had me up until midnight and back up at 5. Currently he is passed out on the couch next to me while I listen to Barney and wait for J to get up for school. I do believe today is going to be a LONG day. I have some errands to run and then we will be home for a much needed nap.

Hmmmm.....I swear I had some other things to write but they left my brain that quickly. I guess that is what sleep deprivation will do to you, right?


Dumb Mom said...

Have some chocolate. It should help. If you add that chocolate to a hot cup of coffee that would be even better. Hope your lil dude feels better soon. Stopped by from SITS to say hey!

Melissa, Multi-Tasking Mama said...

Hope he gets to feeling better soon!

Stopping by from SITS

Alice in Wonderland said...

Hope little guy feels better soon. I'm not too good at the moment, so I know how it feels to have my head stuffed with cotton! Chocolate and ice-cream are good for sore I hear, but that could be my delerium talking!
Take care, big hugs!

Mom said...

Poor R and poor you. I hope the two of you get your much needed rest. Hugs to both of you.

mCat said...

Nap is DEFINITELY in order. Maybe two of them.

Susan Berlien said...

I hope he feels better soon. Everybody around here is so freaked out about the swine flu.

Trisha Pearson said...

Poor little guy! And poor you - it's so hard when the kids are sick. I hope he feels better soon.

Mimi said...

You need your rest, so I hope you got caught up!

Bryson M said...

Thank you for writing thiis

About Me

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Im a Christian Stay at home mom...that means I am a professional multi-tasker and I give all the credit to Jesus. I am married to my best friend and have 3 wonderful sons. God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, nor sun without rain, But he did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears and light for the way.

More about Me....

Here are some posts that explain about my illnesses

Health Class 101

Things you need to know

Mornings and Why I don't mind being sick