Monday, January 5, 2009

Help Amy help others

I have a girlfriend named Amy who is seriously one of the most caring and gracious people I know. I have known her for a very long time, but just recently "found" her again on Facebook. I love Facebook (and myspace) because I am now in touch with people that I grew up with, that otherwise I would never see or hear from. But that is another post. Back to Amy....she is a single mom and her son has Aspergers syndrome. She single-handedly fought to get him the help he needs to grow and learn. She had no help from her fact, from what I have seen he has done nothing but cause her and her son more obstacles. Nevertheless, she pushes on and does an awesome job. Speaking of jobs, she works for a non-profit group which helps hundreds if not thousands of people. How much better can she get??? Well, she also donates her time and energy to raise money for Special Olympics. Right now she is trying to raise funds towards her Polar Bear Plunge. (Personally, I think this is is much safer and warmer to just ask people for donations....but that is why you will never see someone write a blog about how generous I am....because I am not) I seriously wish I could help Amy to reach her goal, but we are not in the position to do that right then a thought came to my head to ask my bloggy friends to help. If anyone is reading this and CAN help, please do so. Help her to raise her goal....or more!! Do it for Amy and do it for the Special Olympics. Both are worthy causes :-) Love Ya Amy!!!!

Here is the link to her fund raising page through the Special Olympics...HERE

P.S. I am NOT her friend Denise that she talks about in her Polar Bear Plunge donation page. I can barely move now, let alone if I jumped in freezing cold water. The mental picture that gives me is a scary, scary one.

This whole Grace thing is doing good things for me. I am now constantly walking around looking at everything from a new perspective. I look at everything in a positive light, looking for things to add to my Daily Grace list. Im not saying it is easy....and it isnt easy to come up with 5 things a day but I am working on it. So here goes todays list....
#1 is Amy....see Above. She is wonderful and Graces many people. Im just thankful I am one of them.
#2 is the smell of my Roses when they bloom. That soft, beautiful smell cheers me up everytime. Hubby told me he is ordering a few more Rose bushes to plant in the spring. I have to say that he has his own way of doing things....most men give bouquets of roses. Mine gives Rose bushes. That way I am in a constant supply of fresh cut Roses. How thoughtful is that??
#3 Cuddling with R this afternoon was wonderful. He sure a a cuddle-bug and I love it. You can't be stressed out when a 3 year old is snuggled up in your arms and telling you he loves you.
#4 Hubby didnt lose his temper today...not even once. He has been really stressed out lately (bills, etc) and hasnt been handling it very well. Please pray for him...and me :-)
#5 Well, Im still waiting for that one to happen. My Mom was going for an out-patient procedure today and I am waiting to hear that she is home and ok. WOW! I just finished typing that and the phone is her, she is home, uncomfortable but home. {{{HUGS}}}} Mom!


Grand Pooba said...

Polar Bear plunge? Is this chick for real? Well if that doesn't get people to donate I don't know what will!

Way to go with your 5/365! Keep it up!

Kristina P. said...

That's awesome about your hubby!

And Amy sounds amazing.

Unknown said...

You made me Cry!! Hearing someone talk so nicely about me! You are #1 on my grateful list!

Glad that Mom is ok! Tell her I said Hi!

Mimi said...

Glad to hear that your mom is doing well.

Queenie Jeannie said...

I love your blessings!!

Hugs to your Mom too!

About Me

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Im a Christian Stay at home mom...that means I am a professional multi-tasker and I give all the credit to Jesus. I am married to my best friend and have 3 wonderful sons. God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, nor sun without rain, But he did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears and light for the way.

More about Me....

Here are some posts that explain about my illnesses

Health Class 101

Things you need to know

Mornings and Why I don't mind being sick